Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More stories shared

This morning the Team sat with Dave Sinclair-Peters and learned more about the history and vision of Team 2000. It was exciting to see what has grown from the vision the T2K and MBMSI had only 10 years ago.

We are all in good health. I have never heard of a group of this many people travelling for this long without any sort of gastrointestinal upset. Keep praying that we remain healthy. Our health has really been a blessing.

Today we are cleaning up at the church and doing all the odd jobs that are always put off for the bigger jobs. Tomorrow we will go to the Abundant Life Home to hear about what is going on there and to lend our hands to fixing some bicycles and other odd jobs.

As team leader, I have been amazed at the team unity we have had and the peace that everyone has had in being flexible. Pray that we would remain united in our purpose here, that we would continue to have patience and grace with each other and that we would be courageous in sharing the gospel with others.

Last night during team debrief, a young boy came to us selling horseshoe crabs. For 2oBaht (60 cents) Buddhists can purchase a crab and set it free to make merit- essentially to absolve themselves from their sins and to purchase a better place in the afterlife. Our group shared a meal with the boy and Louise Sinclair-Peters chared the gospel with him. He says that he will come out to church on Sunday. He already knows about the church because of the hiphop breakdancers.

We are so excited about what we see happening here in Thailand. Thank you for your prayers and $upport.

Rhea for the team

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